A collection of my adventures in Amateur Radio
21 September 2016
Triple Tuned Band Pass Filter Measurements
As a learning exercise I measured the characteristics of a Triple Tuned Circuit Bandpass Filter in my junkbox. This is a board that came fr...
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18 September 2016
Revisit AD8307 Power Meter Calibration
This year at our club, annual pig picking BBQ and show-n-tell I had a chance to borrow the kind services of fellow Knightlites member OM Joh...
10 March 2016
455 KHz IF Transformer Characterization
I found an unmarked IF Transformer in my junkbox which seems to have reasonable characteristics for use in my 455KHz IF stage for my shortwa...
AM Diode Simple Envelope Detector Measurements
As a part of a project to build a simple shortwave broadcast radio based on the published KD1JV design Steve KD1JDV Shortwave Broadcast Rx ...
09 February 2016
Calculate VSWR for varying Reactance Values X
Great question from Richard N4PBQ as follows: "So as I'm analyzing my various antennas I understand that my antenna is at reso...
08 February 2016
ELECRAFT BL2 Balun Measurements
The ELECRAFT BL2 BALUN Return Loss and Balance were measured as shown in the referenced links. The Balance measurements were performed accor...
19 November 2015
Measuring Potentiometer Resistance Taper
I had some fun measuring the resistance of a linear 10Kohm potentiometer from my junkbox and designated B10K. I then measured an ALPS 10Ko...
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